In today’s episode, Brooke speaks with Crunch Ranjani, a digital nomad since 2018. She is a conversion copywriter and content creator. She is a firm believer we need more diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities. Today, she is located in Singapore where she is originally from. She has a residence in Mexico and says it’s a great place for digital nomads.
In today’s episode, Brooke speaks with Crunch Ranjani, a digital nomad since 2018. She is a conversion copywriter and content creator. She is a firm believer we need more diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities. Today, she is located in Singapore where she is originally from. She has a residence in Mexico and says it’s a great place for digital nomads.
One thing Crunch wishes she would have known how much work it is. People romanticize remote work and realistically, you’re not working on the beach with your laptop. There is also the challenge of the inner work to overcome your mindset that wants you to stay in a comfort zone. That is a self limiting belief and may not be true. Working through those ideas can be challenging to quiet those inner demons. It helps to have a support group or community to support you and bounce ideas off. It took her years before she realized she needed that kind of support to help her through those tough times.
Crunch fell into entrepreneurship and freelancing because she was maintaining a travel blog and a friend told her that she was a good writer and asked her to write show notes for a podcast. From there, Crunch listened to podcasts as part of her job and she started thinking about how she was freelancing and what happened if she took the next step and found more clients. She took the opportunities as they came her way. She heard in a podcast that someone needed a writer so she reached out and then more clients came her way.
The best resources and mentors that have helped Crunch was the BizChicks Podcast host. It was through her inspiration that Crunch was inspired to start her own business and be the boss of her own business. It takes courage to say that. Heart Centered Entrepreneur Anna Rapp- was her business coach and she helped her build a solid foundation for her business that could support the lifestyle that she wants. Your biggest resource is your network. If you can tap into your network, you can ask who is most likely to send you the right kind of support you need.
Crunch’s biggest tip is to show up and be consistent about showing up. That is how you build those relationships on social media or your website. It’s important to do it even when you don’t feel like it. Those relationships will pay dividends for years to come when you nurture them.
Crunch’s biggest challenge has been finding balance in all of this. It takes self-discipline to be an entrepreneur because you don’t have a boss keeping you on task. She has also encountered swinging to the other end of the spectrum and not knowing how to have work become all consuming. Having boundaries help you maintain peace of mind and work better in the time you’ve dedicated to working.
Crunch’s take on impact and legacy is feeling content if she makes the difference to one person. She loves being able to share to people in other communities that there are different opportunities and lifestyles that are possible like her working remotely. Her legacy is that she is sharing her story.
Crunch is a conversion copywriter + content creator for change-makers and entrepreneurs who want to make an impact with the money and influence they have in their business. A firm believer that we need more diversity, equity, and inclusion in our communities, Crunch helps like-minded business owners harness the power of words to get their message heard by more than just their 213 Instagram followers and create a bigger impact in the world.
Crunch’s superpower is writing snazzy blogs and articles, and turning the monologues you’ve been doing on Facebook/Instagram Live into a summoning spell that magically conjures up your ideal clients + appeases the Google gods. When not fingers-deep in writing articles for her brilliant clients, Crunch can be found traipsing the world in search of new places, people, and palate-pleasers.
Fun facts:
I'm a digital nomad and have been living nomadically since 2013, and working remotely as my only source of income since 2018. It can be challenging to freelance / build a business while traveling - I can share tips on this, and in a way, it really applies to finding that balance as a solopreneur/ freelancer/ early stage startup where you're committed to making your idea work but also want to stay out of burnout.
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Brooke Markevicius 0:02 Welcome to Allobee Radio, where we support you and your business and life. Listen in each week for episodes on how to grow your business tips from successful business owners, answers to your burning business questions and much more. Join our our beehive and we will help you and your business grow. I'm your host Brooke Markevicius, founder and CEO of Allobee, a SaaS solution for freelancers to manage their business and get work brought to them. We are the solution for stress free freelancing and the hub of the best vetted workforce around I took my years of freelance startup and brick and mortar experience and merged it with my technical background and skills to create Alvie. My hope is that this podcast will bring you actionable tips, tricks and tools to help you gain momentum and your business and life. Let's get in to the buzzer. Okay, welcome back to Allobee radio, everybody, I am so excited to have our guests here today. Crunch is an awesome person that I've really enjoyed learning about through all of our research on her. So as you know, a lot of times when we are looking for our podcast guests, we have everybody apply, and then we go through and we learn more about them and see how they would impact our listeners and how if they would be a really good fit for you guys. And so I'm really excited to share more about her and also learn more about her as we get into this episode. But a little bit more about her so as a digital nomad since 2013 Crunch Ranjani has been a conversion copywriter and content creator for change makers and entrepreneurs who want to make an impact with the money and influence they have in their business. A firm believer that we need more diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities. Crunch helps like minded business owners harness the power of words to get their message heard by more than just their 213 Instagram followers and create a bigger impact in the world. We know here Allobee we're really big focus on impact. And so I'm really glad to have her here today. So welcome to Allobee Radio. We're glad to have you.
Crunch Ranjani 2:12
Thank you so much for having me. I'm super excited about this conversation. And yeah,
Brooke Markevicius 2:18
thank you for so of course. So as part of our Allobee mission, we are ready to shake up the concept of why businesses look like the traditional nine to five, when so many people are wanting to have more flexibility have that remote work. I know everybody on our team works remotely. I freelanced for years before starting this company. And you launched as a digital nomad A while ago, before probably it was really the thing that a lot of people were doing. So I would love to know today where are you located? Where are you in the world today.
Crunch Ranjani 2:56
So today, I'm coming to you from the traditional lands of the orang loud tribes that was colonized Singapore. And I'm originally from Singapore. So I'm actually back visiting my friends and family and spending some time here because I've just spent some months traveling around Southeast Asia. And before that I was based out of Mexico, and I do actually have residency in Mexico. I have temporary residency. Yeah. That's a great place for digital nomads. By the way if you want to apply like the Quick Flicks about, you know, giving people temporary residency, but yeah, right now
Brooke Markevicius 3:34
I'm in awesome. I've heard that I was actually just reading an article about about Mexico and how it's one of the like, number one places that digital nomads are going to right now, which I think that sounds awesome. I'd love to be working from Mexico. Today I am in Durham, North Carolina. So I'm not in Mexico or Singapore. But I also love the fact that work allows us to live you know, wherever we want to. But also, I think it's just really special that you get to go and spend time with your family too. And be able to do that and work. I think that's really awesome. So thank you for sharing where you are today. I would love to know what's the one thing you wish you had known when you began your career and freelancing? What What would you wish you had known?
Crunch Ranjani 4:23
Wow, that's a big question. I think I wish somebody would have told me how much work it is for sure. You know, do people always make it sound really like they've ever been kind of like romanticize the idea of remote work? I like oh, yeah, you're on your laptop by the beach. Nobody does that by the real Santa. True. Yeah, everything or working by the beach or in the sun. Like there's too much glare on your computer screen. I can't do it. So I think there's a lot of like romanticizing of digital nomads, lifestyles and you know being able to work remotely. And nobody actually talks about how difficult it actually is, and what a challenge it actually is in not just in terms of the things you would normally think of like how to market yourself, or like having sales conversations or getting new clients, but also, I found for me, one of their really more challenging aspects of, you know, running my own business and being a freelancer or being an entrepreneur has been, like the inner work that you have to do to kind of overcome your mindset, blocks that kind of keep you wanting to stay in that comfort zone, you know, like, you have five clients that you're kind of happy with, but not super thrilled about or something and you're like, Oh, well, what if I change something, and then I lose all my clients? You know, like, that's, that's a self limiting belief, right? That's something you believe, and not actually something that is maybe true, you know, so, you know, having to work through those mindset blocks and these ideas that, you know, you shouldn't be charging so much, or, you know, what will people say, if you put out this offer, or like, nobody has nobody cares, what you have to say, like, these are things that, you know, my inner voice is always telling me, but I wish somebody had told me like, you know, when you get started in this, you have to do a lot of this inner work, to, you know, quiet in the inner demons, and, you know, keep moving on your path to wherever it is that you're going, or wherever it is, your journey is taking you. So I wish somebody had told me to. And I mean, I wish somebody had also like mentioned that, you know, it would be so much easier if, if you have a support group or a community of entrepreneurs or other people who are going through the same thing to kind of support you and to bounce off ideas and to you know, just talk through your challenges or struggles and having those people around you. And it took me years before I finally like realized, Hey, I actually probably need somebody to support me in this, like a business coach to tell me like what to do or like, you know, to help me in those tough times. So it's just like, well, how much do I price this new offer it? Or, you know, like when you're just in the pits of, man, I haven't got a new client in three months. And like, I don't know, if I'm going to be able to, like pay my bills next month, like having somebody else in there to provide encouragement, motivation, ideas, inspiration, all that kind of good stuff is is priceless. And I wish I got into that earlier, I think I would
Brooke Markevicius 7:34
do is speak the truth. Because I think one of the number one things that I see people, you know, stopping the digital nomad lifestyle, or being a freelancer, whatever it is, is they just let that impostor syndrome take over and they're like, I just can't do this, I can't be successful. And oftentimes, we're putting someone else's measure of success as our success metric. And we need to make sure that we're looking internally at what do we want to be like, What is success for us, my success isn't look like your success. And you know, yours doesn't look like someone else's. And I think oftentimes, we forget that. And we put too much pressure on ourselves to really like execute stuff that is not in alignment, maybe it's like the client a little it's not really like us doing anything wrong, it's just not a good fit as a client with us, you know, and I think that that can just really throw us off. But you're so right, but the imposter syndrome, that inner work that we have to do, and oftentimes, we go into entrepreneurship, freelancing, whatever it is, without having done any of that inner work prior at all. We don't, we don't know about as much. And we oftentimes didn't necessarily need it in our traditional nine to five, because we either had that like watercooler effect with other you know, people working directly with us in an office or we had like a boss to give us feedback. And we had a team to, you know, bounce ideas off of, but we don't have that. In our freelancing. So yes, you bring such good points. Well, kind of on that note of being a freelancer and starting out, what was it like when you began to really like pivot and scale from just being a side hustle into you went all in on this, what what did it? What did it look like when you were sort of doing that?
Crunch Ranjani 9:35
So for me, I think that kind of happened more by accident, rather than as a conscious decision. So I would say that I kind of fell into entrepreneurship and freelancing. It kind of happened because I was, you know, talking to a friend in Costa Rica who had been reading my travel blog that I maintained just for my mom to know that I was alive and well. Right. And she was reading into It was like crunchy, you're a good writer, like, Would you like to write some podcast show notes actually is where I got my start. And she invited me to work with this podcasting company to write podcaster notes. And so it was kind of by accident that I started doing freelancing in the first place. And then from there, I was just kind of listening to podcasts as part of my job. And one of the podcasts that I listened to was the big chicks podcast. And it's a great podcast for you know, female entrepreneurs, and they're always talking about, like, ways to grow your business. And I started thinking about like, oh, well, I'm kind of freelancing, and like, what if I took the next step? And, you know, got more clients or, like, expanded this a little bit? Like, what could that look like? So I just kind of took the opportunities as they came my way. I think I heard about somebody on the podcast, who needed a writer and I, on a whim, decided to send them an email saying, Hey, would you like me to write for you? And they were like, oh, okay, cool. And then from there on, I kind of like, just got more referrals. And through word of mouth, like more people, more clients started coming my way. And suddenly, I realized that, hey, it's been a few months, and I haven't actually had a full time job. And I'm paying for, you know, my lifestyle with whatever I'm doing. I mean, it's not a traditional full time job, I don't work 40 hours a week, I work maybe 20 hours a week, and that's a lot by my standards, like, I would much rather 10 hours a week and spend the rest of the time relaxing by a beach or, you know, climbing a mountain or something. So, you know, it's not a full time job in a traditional sense, but it does, you know, fully pay for all of my expenses, all of the bills that I have, like all my travel expenses, flights, everything is covered by the work that I do remotely. So it wasn't a conscious choice. But it just kind of happened just by taking the opportunities and they presented themselves. And
Brooke Markevicius 12:04
I love that about, you know, taking those opportunities as they present themselves. I think one thing that sets apart entrepreneurs that succeed from others is that they say yes to those opportunities. Now, you can't say yes to everything, obviously, you need boundaries and stuff like that. But when those opportunities present your are presented to you and you start saying yes, and they compound upon one another. It gives you the lifestyle that you want, and it allows you to be able to do that. So I'm glad that you took all of those opportunities and are able to, you know, live the life that you that you want. Well, I know that we don't get to where we're going without some good resources in our lives that have helped us and maybe mentors or resources. So what are the best resources or mentors that have helped you along the way? Allobee is your ticket to stress free freelancing? Our goal is to save you time, so you can make more money. We are built by freelancers for freelancers. And we want to make onboarding your clients tracking work, invoicing, scheduling, meetings, sub contracting, work, everything you need to run a business simple. Allobee Plus is all of your business management tools consolidated into one simple to use platform. We don't want to just stop at helping you manage your current clients. We also want to give you the ability to get matched for work and bring clients to you, or short on demand jobs that you can pick up in your dashboard, ready to simplify your life and business and snag a tax write off before the year ends, head over to To sweeten the deal. As a listener, you can now get one month free of our standard level and get started right just use code Albea radio all caps, ALLOBEERADIO today and join the Allobee family.
Crunch Ranjani 13:57
Um, so when I first started off, like the Bitstrips podcast was great for me, it's hosted by Natalie Ekdahl. And she's got years of experience like just mentoring other businesswoman. And she's amazing. I learned so much from her and it was through her like, inspiration. I worked with the Ministry extreme for a while as well. And through my work with them and I was super inspired to start my own business and like stop calling myself an entrepreneur and you know, a CEO is like the boss of my own business. Right? Because that's another thing that I think a lot of people who are freelancing, you know, hesitate to take ownership of that like, Yes, I am the boss of my own business, you know, to even just say that takes a lot of courage. So I'm glad that I had that resource to depend on they have like amazing freebies and they run you know, a training program or like a mentorship program and other coaching services that they offer. But I also worked with Anna Rapp and Look, who runs the heart centered entrepreneurs, she was my first business coach. And I learned so much from her about, you know, building like a solid foundation for my business that can, you know, support the lifestyle that I want. And, you know, for me to be able to build that business that works for me, rather than just following some, somebody else's template of what their business should look like, right? It's, you know, not everybody desires, the same kind of business. I don't want to have 800 people working for me while I sit back and do nothing really or, you know, I don't want to have a Jeff Bezos Amazon Empire by exploiting workers who are underpaid and overworked, right? That's not the kind of business I want to build. So Anna just was a great mentor in terms of helping me see what is possible for my business, and that I can build a business the way that I wanted. So I highly recommend to her as well. Shannon Crowe, who runs the connection Yoga Teacher Podcast, she's been groomed, like the source of referrals for me, and I'm currently in the pool. Okay, we should all be millionaires. Cloud. Yeah.
Brooke Markevicius 16:13
Yeah. Rachel is from North Carolina. So yes. I know who Rachel is. Yeah, she's wonderful.
Crunch Ranjani 16:19
She's wonderful. So I would say that to somebody that your network is your best resource. And if you can tap into your network, and you know, ask people like, I would like to find a business mentor who you know, because they are people, like your network already knows you. And they love you, and they want the best for you. So they are the people who are most likely to be able to send you the right kind of support that you need, whether that's a business coach, or like a copywriter, or an accountant or whoever is unique. Your network knows them. You just got to ask them. And we sometimes forget, I think to, you know, up and down network just because we're like, Well, I have to do this all by myself.
Brooke Markevicius 16:59
Exactly, exactly. And I talked about your network all the time, and how important it is. It's one of the things that I think a lot of times we forget when we go out into entrepreneurship and freelancing is that even though we're not in a traditional job, and not needing to go to the maybe the traditional networking, we need to make sure that we're including ourselves in communities or coaching opportunities, or whatever it might be that opens up a new world of connections for us. And it takes a while to foster those. It doesn't happen overnight. But it ends up setting you up for success long term for sure. I love that. Well, this past May, we had the opportunity to connect with some really awesome business owners in Minneapolis when we were watching they're at these two one soul body finessed. It is a like sound and yoga studio, as well as Coco womb, who she's just a phenomenal yoga instructor and singer. And they talk to us about that struggle for recognition and fair pay in the wellness industry. And especially with women and bipoc. Owners, and they were asking us, you know, for suggestions, I gave some suggestions. But I know part of your journey has been stepping into supporting dei mission driven wellness businesses, because of your experience in the yoga and other wellness space. So what is the best advice that you have for these businesses, to start getting them further visibility in their communities,
Crunch Ranjani 18:30
I would say that my biggest tip, not just for these particular business owners who may face an additional challenge, just because you know, they hold marginalized or underestimated identities, like there is an additional layer of challenge of, you know, getting into spaces where they can present their voices and such. But I think my general advice for anybody would be to show up and be consistent about showing up. Because that's how you really like we talked about, you know, building your network and like building those relationships. That's how you do that by showing up and consistently, you know, on whether it's on social media or on your website, you know, just taking the time and energy to consistently I mean, sometimes even when you don't feel like that, to show up. And, you know, share your ideas, share your thought leadership, share useful content for your audience, and, you know, engage those people who are responding and who are, you know, interested in your work, you know, engage them in the deeper conversations and keep those conversations going. And, and it's not something that happens overnight. It is something that does take time and energy and effort, but it does pay off because, like those relationships once you've nurtured and cultivated and nurtured them, they will you know, pay dividends for years to come. You might not see like the the response The the return on your investment, yes, a very financial term immediately, but I don't know maybe five years from now this person that you've met, and you've you know, connected with in maintaining that relationship with them five years from now they send you your biggest client yet who signs a six figure deal? Like right on the spot, right? Like you never know what could happen. So I think that's my biggest piece of advice is just that, even when it sometimes seems hard, you have to keep showing up and getting visible and being consistent about that. And that's where like support can be really helpful and having a professional or somebody else, you know, support you in that journey of content creation and writing and showing up online, it does get really tiring and exhausting. So having somebody else on that journey with you to support you and guide you.
Brooke Markevicius 20:54
For sure. No, I think that that is such, why is it bias because so many of us, I think are very independent, obviously, as we're going out into being a freelancer and entrepreneur, but we don't often ask for help. And when we really need it, we need people to help support us whether it's helping for more business advice, or helping write that copy or that content, we oftentimes try to go at it alone, and there's so many ways that you can get it doesn't have to be a super expensive endeavor. But just to get a little bit of support and help you kind of get to that finish line or get those new, you know, new clients signed or those new opportunities. I love that advice. So what is the biggest challenge that you faced as an entrepreneur? And how did you overcome it? And what did you learn from it?
Crunch Ranjani 21:47
I think my biggest challenge would be finding balance in in all of this, right? It takes a lot of I think willpower and determination in self discipline to be an entrepreneur, because I mean, you don't have a boss, you are the boss. So if you wanted to, you could sit on your couch for 12 hours and watch Netflix instead of, you know, doing the things that you were supposed to be doing right, like showing up online or, you know, connecting with people or, you know, engaging with your new audience. You know, building relationships, or writing copy or creating new offers, like there are a million things to do in a business or when you're freelancing. And honestly, some of those things are not, they're not exciting, they're not your zone of genius. You know, it's not something that lights you up to do. But it's got to get done to have a successful business. So finding that balance, I mean, of course, like the other. The other side of that, which I've also encountered, you know, in talking to other digital nomads and people who work remotely is they swing like the complete other end of the spectrum, and they don't know when to stop, or how to distinguish between work and life, the other parts of life, and you know, they're every waking moment becomes work. And it's easy to do nowadays, I think, when you have your social media on your phone, you have your email on your phone, you connect with your clients on your phone, you read your entire business out of your phone. So like, at 11pm, when a client pings you and sends you a message saying I have this urgent need to do do now, do you respond immediately? Or do you like, turn off your notifications so that you don't get interrupted while you're sleeping? You know, so that you don't have to deal with imaginary fires that your clients are bringing you before you're ready. Because you know, having that those boundaries helps you to maintain your own like peace of mind, and be able to work better in the time that you're dedicating to working rather than just constantly being on the go and being on so to speak. So for me finding that balance between one end of like 12 hours of Netflix and, you know, constantly responding to emails at midnight. That has been a challenge for me. And no, I
Brooke Markevicius 24:17
think that's something that all I mean, I don't know many freelancers that didn't struggle with that. I know I've struggled with it. I still struggle with it at times, especially when we launch something new. And I'm like, but this is like a baby. And I need this to actually like work right? And I need to be on top of it and all of the things that I'm like, but if I don't set that boundary from the very beginning, it will get lost very quickly. And I think that oftentimes it happens that we can go in one extreme or the other. So trying to kind of bring ourselves back into that middle is really important. I love that. Well I would love to know. I always think this is something that we don't talk about enough as Esther freelancers and business owners, but I know you're really big on impact. So what impact or legacy Do you want to leave behind?
Crunch Ranjani 25:08
I don't know. Have you heard of the parable of?
Brooke Markevicius 25:12
Yes, yes. That's beautiful.
Crunch Ranjani 25:16
It's it's one of my favorite parables. And I don't know, if people who don't know what it is, let me quickly summarize, it's, it's basically like, there's this boy on a beach. And there are hundreds of 1000s of starfish that have washed up because of the tide. And this little boy is picking them up individually, like throwing back them, throwing them back into the sea, because if they're out in the out on the land, they will dry up and die. Right. So he's meticulously like picking each one up and throwing it back into the sea. And this guy comes along, and he's like, What are you doing? Can't you see that there are hundreds and 1000s of them on the beach, you're never going to make a difference. And he says that, it doesn't matter, if I don't make a difference to all of these, I'm making a difference to this particular starfish. And he's a result back into the sea. So I guess, like, my take on impact and legacy and leaving something behind is that I would feel content, if I have even made a difference to one person to you know, to have, I don't know, since I've been traveling since 2013. And I've talked to like, hundreds of 1000s of people in remote parts of the world where even like, Internet access is kind of like sketchy doesn't work very well. But, you know, for these people, for me to go there, and, you know, they see me working on my laptop, and they're like, What are you doing, and you're on holiday, and I'm like, No, I work from my laptop, so that I can travel the world like, and then you can see like, a light bulb goes on in your head. This is possible that I can work from this remote place and make money. And, you know, I'm not limited by the fact that I'm here, you know, and just to be able to share that with people around the world, in different communities. And they're kind of, I guess, make that impact on them to open up their eyes to a different possibility to new opportunities that a different lifestyle is possible. And even back in like 2018, when I started this thing full time. People were kind of hesitant about working remotely. And you know, when they would see me working at my laptop, on a hostel or whatever. They'd be like, Wow, that's, that's amazing. And I would ask them like, Well, why don't you do it too? If you think it's so cool, right? Like, I mean, at your office, do you actually need to be in the office? Are you just sitting in front of your computer for eight hours, and you, you know, maybe have one meeting that you have to attend. But you know, at that time, Skype was still the thing, I think this is an appearance. But you know, you could meetings, so why not? And I think that is my legacy that I'm sharing my story. And, you know, I think now it's kind of like shifted a little bit, I have two young nieces. So we'd like for them to see that it's possible for a South Asian woman like me, who comes from a fairly traditional household, my parents were very traditional in the I don't think ever hoped for me to have this lifestyle that I have now, you know, but for my young nieces, to be able to see that I am, you know, an independent woman who works as in when a wish and, you know, makes money that allows me to travel the world and live the lifestyle that I want for them to be able to see that this is an option for them. And this is possible for them. Like I think that's part of my legacy. And I would love to be able to inspire young kids and like young girls to you know, seek out their own dreams and follow their paths without being stuck in what society tells them they have to do. Yeah,
Brooke Markevicius 29:00
no, I love that. And I'm sure that your nieces are going to, to see that as well as all of these other people that you've interacted with, and they might share with their kids or you know, with others around the world. I think that it's really important for us to be able to see the opportunities that remote work can provide. I know that I have been working remotely since 20. About that I fully went remotely we're about the same time you did actually maybe a year or so earlier. And it was still not the thing. It still wasn't really the thing now it's so much different but I mean even though I don't travel all the time or because my we have kids so they're in school a lot of the time but we went remotely all summer and works from our Mountain House and I was able to do that without having to be tied down to a job and I can go on a trip whenever I want to. And it just that freedom is is inspiring and And I think that that's something that people really want and are attracted to. Because it's not our traditional, it's not the normal confines of what we've kind of put ourselves into as a society. So I love that. Well, my last question for you. And I'm going to ask it a little bit different than I asked most of our guests, because you have a little bit unique background, but how will you create momentum and the rest of 2022? And where else will your travels take you this year?
Crunch Ranjani 30:28
I will answer the travel question first. I mean, because I can't stop. Like I can arrive in a place and like, Well, where do I go once this visa expires? Right? So I'm in Singapore for a few more weeks, and then I'm considering and not sure yet. That kind of is a big idea that I'm flirting with. But a more concrete idea is to go back to Mexico and Belize, which I have never visited. But yeah, it's nearby. And it's great. And you know, why not? Right. So that's kind of on the curl I left. Next year is
Brooke Markevicius 31:14
well, we'll have to have you back next year. And we'll have to see where in the we're in the world is crunch, we're gonna have a new thing of wherever you are, I will live vicariously through your travels Thailand as a as a location, I would love to go to one day, I have a friend that went and took her kids to and they traveled and she's a chef. And so they went and ate traditional Thai food from all of these different places and all of the different villages. And it was just such a really cool like trip for her and her family to really be immersed there. Yeah. So if you go there, I want to see all the pictures and learn all about it. But that's, that's awesome. Yeah, I
Crunch Ranjani 31:56
used to live in Thailand, I was teaching in a remote village, teaching English in a small school. And it was fun to you know, kind of immerse myself in that, in that environment that and I was also, you know, doing some freelance work on the side. And I was able to support myself that way. And I think that was something also talked to the villagers about the fact that I taught English online at the time, I was teaching English online. And we were like, Wow, that's amazing that you can teach English online, and do you think people would want to learn online? Yes, there are people who want to learn every single language online, if you have an internet connection, you can work from pretty much anywhere, pretty much anything,
Brooke Markevicius 32:39
it's so true and amazing. And then we are just able to be globally connected than we ever have been. And I think sometimes we forget to take advantage of it. And so I love that you're taking advantage of it and enjoying it. I think that that's so important. And I love I'm excited to see where you're going. And this is gonna be so cool to see all of your travels. But also, I just hope that everybody that has listened today really gets inspired by the opportunity to be a digital nomad. But also to know that it's not too much crazy different from VT. Once you become a freelancer, it's really possible to go and do this. And I love that, that that journey, you know, started and then shifted, and then you completely went, you know, remotely into the digital nomad lifestyle. I've so enjoyed hearing our conversation today and just wanted to thank you for being here. And then also, is there anything that you have coming up that you want to share with our audience? Or where can we find you and stay in touch?
Crunch Ranjani 33:45
You can get in touch with me on Instagram on LinkedIn, you can just search my name crunch rent me? I don't think there are very many people.
Brooke Markevicius 33:55
That's okay, that makes a lot. It's good when you're unique.
Crunch Ranjani 34:00
Yeah. Yeah, you can also check out my website, which is And yeah, we'd love to offer a small level bonus for the listeners
Brooke Markevicius 34:14
are short 100%.
Crunch Ranjani 34:15
So if you're looking for a way to get more consistent with your content by doing a little bit of content, planning and getting ahead on, you know, knowing what to post every time you're on Instagram, I know it's a big struggle for a lot of people, you're just looking at that blinking cursor, and it feels like it's taunting you and you have no idea what to write. So, I have this little product called simplify digital, simplify content planning, which is a digital framework for you to kind of plan three to six months of your content in advance so that you never have to worry about what to post on Instagram or on social media on your website, on your blog. And I would love to offer a 30% discount using the code easy 30 Plus for the listeners,
Brooke Markevicius 35:01
I love it. And we will link all of that in the show notes for the listeners. So if you're driving or not able to write that down and remember it right now, it'll be in the show notes. Just if you go to, you can go and look for all of the podcasts, specifically this one with crunch. So thank you so much crunch for being here today. And I hope that all of you will follow her and stay up to date with where she's traveling. And definitely take advantage of that code and utilize it because I know that we all struggle with getting consistent on creating content and so anything that can help with that is always valuable. So thank you so much for everybody listening today. We will be back next week with a another entrepreneur that's going to share their journey tips and tricks on how to live successfully as an entrepreneur and thrive in business in life. Have a good day everybody. Thank you for listening to today's episode of Alharbi radio, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode. If you are needing support to scale your business, definitely head over to our
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Get $50 off your first service with code radio50 That's radio50. Until next week, take action and gain momentum in your business and life.